´´i'm a tree´´

Nick, Kian and Wesley walked through the woods. They heard twigs crackling but it probably wasn't them because this a horror story.
"Nick go check it out" Kian said.
"No." Nick replied.
"dude go check it out"
"cause kian says so"
Since they were arguing for too long Wesley got


by a tree. "i'm a tree" said the tree ran to the surviving survivors.
Suddenly, Kian fell on a fucking twig trap because he's so blind.
"hELP ME DUDE" he screamed.
"no i shall leave you because to make gut horror story" nicole said and he sped off like the cruel sicko he is LOL!!
Kian screamed and screwed his mind because he is stupid as the tree grabbed a sharp branch and stabbed it deep into the weakest part of the body, the leg. 

it bleeding but good. He died a few days later being trapped calling for his dear friend Nick the heartless bastard he is after this spooky story was wRITTED

Nick was dizzy of running in the midnight-cloaked woods and bashed into a log. he died of lack of hygiene the end